我們會在荃灣區拯救流浪狗的生命。透過宣傳叫人們保護流浪狗(例如在Facebook/YouTube channel宣傳)。自製小住宅,在小住宅裏放一些食物、水、棉被等等,讓牠們有一個溫暖、幸福和迷你的家,邀請機構領養這些狗狗。
- HK$1,300.0
This project has ceased their crowdfunding campaign. Please contact the project team for more information.
- HK$1,300.0
Client-side tokenization is the method DreamStarter uses to collect card information directly in a secure manner. Card number and CVC will not be processed and stored in Collation server. For more information please visit stripe.com.