如果家中的玩具已經不再玩,或想試玩不同種類的玩具。我們這個「玩具 SUPER!」 就適合大家了!既可以為家中玩具尋找新主人,又可以換回或試玩自己有興趣的玩具。 我們會用一些環保物料製作玩具,並會以 youtube 作宣傳,在學校門口擺放自助形式的換玩具櫃, 好玩之餘同時為環保出一分力,培養小朋友分享、延續及「以物易物,珍惜資源」的品行,將共享信息行帶入社區。
- HK$0.0
This project has ceased their crowdfunding campaign. Please contact the project team for more information.
- HK$0.0
Client-side tokenization is the method DreamStarter uses to collect card information directly in a secure manner. Card number and CVC will not be processed and stored in Collation server. For more information please visit stripe.com.