OH!MY 乾!
OH!My 乾!是取自「我賣乾」的諧音,由一群小學生把自己種植的水果製成乾果當作小食,然後再售賣出去。市面上有很多包裝精美的小食,但大多都屬於不健康小食。對於成長中的孩子來說,進食太多會影響健康。水果的營養豐富,多進食又能預防疾病。由水果製成的小食,既健康又有益。由放種子、加泥土、放肥料、淋水等每一步驟全是學生自己動手做,讓他們能親身經歷裁種的過程,享受裁種的樂趣,也能自己的收成與他人分享。
- HK$1,000.0
This project has ceased their crowdfunding campaign. Please contact the project team for more information.
- HK$1,000.0
Client-side tokenization is the method DreamStarter uses to collect card information directly in a secure manner. Card number and CVC will not be processed and stored in Collation server. For more information please visit stripe.com.