正能量補充劑 Finished
『我們的DreamStarter目標是做「花閣」!』因為我們想讓一些有壓力的學生在校能得以抒緩。據資料顯示: 每七個受訪的小學生就有一個出現抑鬱症狀,而壓力來源大多與學校事務有關。故此,我們希望能在沉悶的學校課室中設置令人心曠神怡、精神抖擻的「花閣」,讓學生們可以有舒適、自由的小角落輕鬆一下,更透過視覺、嗅覺、觸覺,達致冷靜、放鬆的功效。
- HK$50.0
This project has ceased their crowdfunding campaign. Please contact the project team for more information.
- HK$50.0
Client-side tokenization is the method DreamStarter uses to collect card information directly in a secure manner. Card number and CVC will not be processed and stored in Collation server. For more information please visit stripe.com.