Canteen Creative Project Finished
健康飲食乃促進學童健康成長,預防慢性疾病及肥胖的重要因素;惟現時本港學生因種種原因,普遍未能遵行健康飲食原則。在中學校園裡頭,大部分同學均未能享受健康美味的食物,有見及此,我們希望推出「Canteen Creative Project」,我們相信營養豐富的水果能夠深受同學歡迎,而透過不同形式帶出食用生果的樂趣,更是我們這個計劃的首要目標。
- HK$0.0
This project has ceased their crowdfunding campaign. Please contact the project team for more information.
- HK$0.0
Client-side tokenization is the method DreamStarter uses to collect card information directly in a secure manner. Card number and CVC will not be processed and stored in Collation server. For more information please visit