It is more blessed to give than to receive.
- We want to reach out and help the homeless. Follow our project and support us with whatever you got! It is one way to solve the poverty problems.
- We want to act as 'hand-warmers' and send warmth and love to the people who are neglected in the community.
- We need both financial support and donated resources to prepare the resources. WE want to cook hot meal, get warm clothes to the homeless
- 期望讓學生關注、體驗和理解無家者的生活,接下來再進一步嘗試去幫助他們。
- 加強學生對社區弱勢社群的關注。
- 把「能力愈大,責任愈大」的觀念灌輸給學生,讓他們成長後擔任社會不同位置的工作時,可以於自己的職位發揮力量幫助弱勢社群。
- 我們需要各種衛生用品、保暖衣物及小食物。