Sometimes when we walk down the street, we would see homeless people on the streets. They come across many difficulties such as getting water, food, clothes, etc. They are IN NEED of these items. During the pandemic, it has been getting worse and worse, and we hope to lend them a helping hand.
So we have decided to help the homeless by gathering food and other materials for them. We contacted a lot of organizations, and although we encountered many difficulties, we didn’t give up. Instead, we kept finding more organizations until we found one that agreed to help. We even interviewed a person who was previously homeless, he told us that they needed food the most, and that they showered in public facilities. We thought that it was unhygienic because there was a possibility of getting infected by Covid-19 or other diseases.
At last, we’ve decided to help the homeless, by raising money so we could buy all kinds of materials for them.
Our target group is the homeless. Their lives are very desolate and pitiful. In addition to this sudden pandemic, it has made it even worse. Therefore we hope to help them live a better and normal life.

- 讓無家者可以過上比現在更理想的生活。Let the homeless live a more ideal life.
- 協助無家者去買他們需要的東西。Assist the homeless to buy whatever they need.
- 讓他們喝到乾淨水。Let them drink clean water.
- 一開始我們只是想了主題 , 沒有具體行動。At first, we just thought about the main idea, but there was no specific action.
- 我們去找不同機構贊助我們/幫助我們,雖然有大部分都沒有回覆我們,但我們沒有放棄,最終有機構回覆我們。We went to find different organizations to sponsor us/help us. Although most of them did not reply to us, we did not give up, and eventually some organizations replied to us.
- 我們決定先找物資,後找機構,如果還是找不到的話我們便會自己出外送給無家者們。We decided to search for the resources first then the organisations, if we still can’t find them then we will go out by ourself and give the homeless.
- 我們在學校裡面做了宣佈,還做了一些海報,把一個收集箱放在了校務處門口,收穫不錯,我們獲得了許多衣服跟檢測包!We did a announcement at school, we also sticked some poster, we put a collect box in the school, we also got a lot of clothes and rapid antigen test for the homeless.
- 我們帶着物資,前往了奧運站,把物資捐給一個慈善機構—— ImpactHK。With our resources in hand, we went to Olympic Station. We donated our resources to impact HK, which is a homeless charity organization.
收集到的物資會捐給IMPACT HK,網站:https://impacthk.org/zh/ ,我們收集到的物資如下:
The resources we collected, we will donate it to the IMPACT HK, IMPACT HK website link: https://impacthk.org/zh/ ,we collected:
-Red bean rice
-Clothes for Summer
-Clothes for Winter
-So many rapid antigen tests

6B DreamStarters were giving the supplies to the organization.
我們遇到的挑戰有很多,大部分都是因爲疫情影響,本來定下來的活動都一一取消,因爲疫情令我們無法出外探訪他們(無家者)。當我們傳送信息給一間機構的時候 ,我們也不容易得到回復,因此我們很感謝幫助我們的公司,可以提供無家者的東西,也能夠幫我們派發物質。
We have encountered many challenges, most of which are due to the impact of the pandemic. The activities originally scheduled have been cancelled one by one, because the pandemic makes it impossible for us to visit them (homeless people). When we sent information to different organizations, most of them ignored it or even deleted it directly, and didn’t reply. Therefore, we are very grateful for the organizations that helped us, which provided things for the homeless and help us distribute the materials.
我們是港大同學會小學 HKUGAPS,2022年度的6B班,6B13 Jolyan Lo,6B23 Melanie Tang,6B24 Kaley Tang,6B25 Bosco Wong,6B26 Elvis Wong,6B27 Ryan Wu,6B29 Aki Yuen