Space Vacation

“We want to make a business as success as Elon Musk.”​
林嘉歡 - 項目發起人
Space Vacation

Hong Kong's future is bright and that's why our school slogan is "We Start a Brighter Tomorrow". With space exploration at the cutting edge of innovation, and with China leading the way, our students want to follow suit and send their own rockets into space! Through this project, we aim to inspire the next generation of students to dream big and be future innovators of space exploration.


Inspiration came from

The children in the group want to inspire children in Hong Kong to be the next leaders in innovation and engineering because Some children in Hong Kong lack confidence, and this affects their ambition and future aspirations. This is why we want to do our project so that we can make children in Hong Kong dream big and believe that anything is possible. We will try to achieve this by through our group members working together we can prove to children across Hong Kong that there are no barriers to what they can achieve. This is why our group will create a rocket that can go to space with inspirational messages from Hong Kong students attached.

Inspired by:

What social problems do you solve?

Hong Kong students are intellectually strong yet emotionally challenged at times. As babies, they’re coddled by domestic helpers and then thrown into the deep end of the shark tank that is Hong Kong Education. There, they endure years of being assessed by the education bureau and watched over by their parents with a magnifying glass. Their parents are so stressed out and might not have time for their children. In the classroom, the children are not encouraged to be creative, think critically, or express themselves. This can affect their confidence and ambition and that is why we want to build their confidence and make them realise that they can achieve anything they put their minds too.....even sending a rocket into space.

How do we start from 0 to 1

We will make a prototype by making a water-pressure rocket.

Then, we will evaluate what we have learnt from the prototype and discuss our ideas for our own rockets. 

Then we will design our rockets and present how these will actually work.

Next, we will start to arrange and delegate how the resources and materials will be gathered.

Once the materials have been gathered and the design has been finalised, we can begin to create our rockets.

Then we can build our rockets and get them ready for testing. 

Once the rockets are built, we can start testing them.

Once testing is complete, and our rockets are ready, we will start to discuss what items we want to carry to space.



1. Weather Balloon (able to go to the stratosphere) 

2. GoPro camera

3. Approval from Civil Aviation Department (HK$1875)





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Approval from CAD
The fee of approval from the Civil Aviation Department 民航處 is $1875



Space Vacation 發起人