The Starlight Squad was formed by BRPS Students from the Dreamstarter program. The team aims to raise people's awareness about the issues of urban light pollution and motivate more advocates to contribute to the promotion of night sky protection in Hong Kong.
The Starlight Squad team
4A 陳曉晴 4A 莫晞楠 4A 鄧壹鳴 4B 張翹 4B 關可晴
4B 李志宏 4B 麥穎而 4B 曾靖軒 4B 王子軒 4B 俞晞瞳
4C 陳可晴 4C 利宗謙 4C 胡彧丞 4C 楊光 4C Mouka Netochukwu Oneil Ugo Jnr + 薛俊朗老師 + 黃紫婷老師
「星光守護隊」在「第八屆 Dreamstarter 兒童夢想募資日」Pitching 分享 @香港數碼港