
顏碩聲 - 項目發起人

靈感來源 What inspired us?




Have you ever hanged out with your friends, but ended up with yourself being late just because of the unexpected delays of minibuses?

Or maybe wasted your time on waiting for a minibus, which ended up to be full when it arrived?

Currently, we still cannot ascertain where exactly are the minibuses and the number of seats left on each minibus. Therefore, came to our inspiration, we came up with the idea of developing an app to help solve this problem.

The app includes the function of knowing the real-time location and capacity of the minibuses. We could achieve this by receiving GPS signals provided by the drivers' phones. , Besides, it allows passengers to reserve seats on different routes. Each of the users of the app has to create an account.  If they wish to reserve seats, they could simply press the "Reserve" button. Together with the number of passengers on the minibus, we can provide the estimated waiting time to be able to get on a minibus. 

我們如何由0到1開始 How can we actually do it?


  1. 我地會嘗試做一份問卷,派發俾身邊嘅人或者公眾,問下佢地程式同介面最需要有咩元素,同埋點樣先可以最方便到乘客。
  2. 然後,我地會改進個介面嘅設計(例如係令乘客唔需要喺個App裏面跳嚟跳去先搵到自己要嘅資料),務求做到方便使用。所以我地會同專業人士商討一下設計版面嘅問題。
  3. 因為整呢個App需要寫一個程式,整理各種數據,無論係小巴司機提供嘅位置,甚至係將數據顯示於App上面亦需要相關嘅技術,因此我地會有學寫程式嘅課程,希望能夠掌握到基本程式碼嘅運用


  1. We will design a survey or questionnaire. We will ask them about the most important elements which have to be included in this kind of app.
  2. Then, we will modify and improve our design of the app. We have to ensure that it is user-friendly and is convenient to use.  For example, we do not want information of the same aspect to be scattering on different parts. Therefore, we will find professionals and discuss with them our app interface.
  3. Since it is a must for us to make and write a program in developing an app, we will attend some courses or classes related to programming, so that we could apply the programming language on handling and presenting data in our app.

We will work in two groups: One of the groups is responsible for designing the app interface, while the another is responsible for writing programs.

我們遇到的挑戰 What challenges are we facing?

4b61c459f7cb6b02f310e725d40f2dcd--interview-questions-job-interviews.jpg由於我地喺寫App方面欠缺相關的經驗同技術,因此在設計介面和程式碼時可能會面對一些困難以及問題,例如要利用 Google Map 嘅定位技術,或者係如何喺介面上顯示相關嘅資訊。



  • 司機數人:要依靠小巴司機於App上報數           


  • 運用感應器:自動報數,但種類、放置位置、金錢上亦係有待解決嘅問題

   •   寫app方面我地正在嘗試用android studio 以及 MIT app inventor,但對於係新手既我地有些難上手。

Since we lack experience in writing programs and developing an app, we may find it difficult in designing the interface and handling the programming codes. For example, we may need to use Google Map for the locations of the minibuses. We may need to know how can we actually display the Map in our app.

Besides, for getting the location and number of passengers on minibuses, we must have to gain permission from the minibus company. Therefore, persuading the company to cooperate with us is also an obstacle for us. 

In implementing this system, the greatest problem we are facing now is that we are not  sure about the method we should use to find out the number of passengers on a minibus. We have come up with two suggestions:

  • The drivers count the number of passengers:Need to rely on the drivers for reporting the number of passengers.                                                                  


  • Using sensors:It can automatically transmit data to the app. However, there are concerns about the kinds of sensors, where to place the sensors, and the cost of the sensors. These problems have to be solved later.​​​
  • Writing app: We are still beginners on writing app and we are trying to use android studio and MIT app inventor. However, it is still a challenge for us to be advanced on using these two programmes. 


需要的資源及人力 What resources / manpower do we need?



Since we have not learnt how to handle programming and develop an app before, therefore, we hope that we could get assistance from professionals on app-writing.

Also, we will need funds for applying for app-writing courses or hiring professionals to teach us about the programming skills. If we decided to use sensors for detecting the number of passengers on a minibus, we will need money on buying the sensors as well.

我們是誰 Who are we?


We are a group of wild dreamers who are students of St. Paul's College.

(於 更新)





這是一個很好的嘗試,可以參考台灣的 Taxigo,這個初創運用 LINE 或 Facebook Messenger 來做用戶界面,減輕開發成本及用戶下載程式的門檻,對於你們起動個計劃能有一定幫助。



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