Unplugged Video Gaming 已完結

Game in the Real World
劉睿昇 - 項目發起人
Unplugged Video Gaming

Inspiration came from

The inspiration came from the popular phone game "Angry Birds."

What social problems do you solve?

(Why is this solution innovative? Is the current method inefficient?)

People are addicted to video games. This project is the spark to re-introduce people to create games that would bring people back to reality. More games will be less digital related but more real world related if this project succeeds.

How do we start from 0 to 1

(Let everyone know how you have this idea and how to practice it。)

People are getting addicted to video games and phones. This game blends a mix of traditional physical activity and technology, encourage people to play in the real world instead of the virtual world.

The challenge we encountered

(Sharing your story can make it easier for others to understand what you are doing, and let them feel the enthusiasm of you or your team for this project.)

It is difficult to find funding for a project like this.

The resources we needed

(Introducing all the problems you have encountered and the resources you are looking for)

Students need equipment to build materials.

The materials we need are as follows:

Glue Gun and Glue $65
Lightweight clay (輕黏土) $15 x 12 x 5
Large Premium Wood Trebuchet DIY Kit $700
Foam building block set $200 x 2
High power catapult - DIY Kit $400 x 2

who are we

(Introduce yourself, your team, and other backgrounds that are relevant to you.)

My name is James Lau and my partner is Kirk Pang. We would like to spread the knowledge and the experience on how fun creating model kits and playing with friends in real life is to our students and to spread the word about creativity in workshop to the rest of Hong Kong.

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Unplugged Video Gaming 發起人