(The following guideline helps to tell everyone what your project is)
How our journey begins
Motivated by our teammate whose cousin has ASD, we see the frustration and negative emotions in their families, especially the siblings who often feel neglected and ignored. We want to do something for them, and we thought about music as music can always calm people down.
What social problems do you solve?

How do we start from 0 to 1
When we learn more about ASD and the challenges faced by families affected by ASD through in-depth research and empathy map and journey, we uncovered a common theme: the often neglected needs of the siblings. While the ASD child requires significant attention and care, their brothers and sisters can feel overlooked. Recognising this insight, we shift our focus to the siblings.
Initially, our vision centred around creating music to soothe and calm ASD children. However, as we shifted our target, we realized that music could also provide solace and support to the siblings, offering them the comfort and care they need.

The challenge we encountered

- Time to learn more about the ASD families; time to produce music and the platform
- Money - resources to produce the music and the platform
- How to approach our target audience - so far we have difficulties in approaching families with ASD for interviews
The resources we needed

Who are we
We are R2D2 from Diocesan Girls' Junior School
5A Joanne Fung, Charisse Li, Lexie Rhodes, Vanni Yam
5B Trinity Chan, Alexandra Chwu, Hailey Lau, Hailey Wong
5C Frances Chan
5D Yoyo Chan