Fast, Smart, Clean, No mess! A Robot Moving Shelf Is Your Choice!
We are home-nimal. We believe every animal should have a home. We want to make a homeless animal documentary to raise people awareness.
A fun and educational fish tank for kids.
We are Reglove. We want to create reusable, protective and washable gloves (regloves) to reduce the amount of waste produced.
Educational workshop in campus to make DIY eco-friendly utensils and food containers. Reduce waste from take-away food.
Our aim is to help people who are too short to put/take things 我們的目標是幫那些不夠高的人
The project is to make a sea turtle‘s shelter for them to lay eggs. The students once read a news clips and suddenly brainstormed to make a safer hatching place for the sea turtles.
雙11網購? 美國網購? 日本網購? 香港網購? 網購真的非常方便及價錢吸引, 它已成世界趨勢! 過度包裝亦都成為炙手可熱的環保問題。雙11節的十天後,共有二億個包裹,產生16萬噸的廢物。一件小小的貨品竟有兩個包裝袋、一大張泡泡紙及一個紙皮盒,真的造成很大的浪費。包裹的包裝用料只能用一次嗎?
Our project is about clean water. We aim to build a device that can collect and clean rainwater.