Your Health, We Care!
A music platform of uplifting music produced by local musicians for the siblings of Autistic children, providing a unique and heartfelt way to connect and engage with their loved ones.
越來越多人會選擇以小兔作為寵物,但同時棄養兔子的數字亦不斷上升。我們希望透過Love 🐰 Cafe,讓巿民從中獲得養兔子的資訊,在養之前可考慮自己是否適合及有能力養,加強大家對愛護動物的意識,從而減少棄養情況。
We are Reglove. We want to create reusable, protective and washable gloves (regloves) to reduce the amount of waste produced.
人與人之間的愛,不應限於言語間的表達, 更應該透過不同方式來傳達。
以食物傳遞愛心 因為我們相信 Eat is love